Free Maybank Mineral Water Bottle @ 5 selective Caltex Stations - North-South Expressway
Campaign Period : 22 December 2010- 31 January 2011 (While Stock Last)
Eligibility : All Maybankards
* Visa Credit Cards
* MasterCard Credit Cards
* American Express Credit & Charge Cards
* Debit Cards - Visa, MasterCard and Bankard ATM
Eligibility Criteria: Spend any amount with Maybankards at the following 5 Caltex stations at North-South Expressway and get ONE FREE bottle of Maybank Mineral water:
1. Agibs Realty Sdn Bhd
KM 210 (South) Lebohraya Simpang Empat,
Ayer Keroh Melaka
2. Mampu Reka Sdn Bhd
KM 210 (North) Lebohraya Simpang Empat,
Ayer Keroh Melaka
3. CAA Service Station
KM226 Lebuhraya US Bukit Gantang,
Changkat Jering, Perak
4. Muliajaya Bukit Gantang
KM225 Lebuhraya US Arah Selatan,
Kaw Rehat Bukit Gantang,
Changkat Jering, Perak
5. Renyl Trading Sdn Bhd
Gurun Rest & Service Area,
Redemption can be made at the Cashiers Counters at the participating Caltex Service Stations
One (1) Maybankard Transaction Receipt per redemption.